Mindshadows eBooks
New! Once Upon a Summer now available, world-wide!
How to find Gabriele's eBooks
To make finding our eBooks as easy as possible, we've provided direct links to Kindle & Kobo stores in a number of countries. Simply click on the country link under the eReader of your choice to be taken directly to the book on the country store. The Google Play Bookstore uses the same link everywhere.
If your country isn't listed, we've listed identifiers for each book under the book's title to help searching. Simply go to the eBook website for your country and search using the appropriate identifier. The ISBN number and the kobo/Google search phrases can each be used to find our books in kobo stores and on Google Play Books. The Kindle "ASIN" identifier can be used in Kindle stores.
The ISBN number can be used to search in the kobo and Google Play Bookstore, and in other eBook stores, but not in the Kindle store. Note that the eBook ISBN numbers are different from the ISBN numbers for printed versions of the same book.
If you have problems finding our books don't hesitate to contact us at booksales@mindshadows.com.
About our eBooks
Our eBooks can be read on the vast majority of systems, devices, and eBook readers in the world today. They can be purchased directly from the Kindle store, from the kobo store, the Google Play Bookstore, and even through some local book stores.
Our Kindle books can be purchased from Amazon and read on all Kindle devices, new or old! They can also be read on PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads,, and Android smartphones and tablets using Kindle apps that are freely downloadable from Amazon.
Our kobo eBooks can be purchased directly from the kobo website and read on kobo devices and over 200 other eReader devices, apps, and applications. This includes not only kobo eReaders but most devices from other leading manufacturers such as Barnes and Noble (Nook), and Bluefire. kobo eBooks can also be read on PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads, and Android smartphones and tablets using the apps freely provided by kobo and other companies. kobo books are provided in the industry standard ePub format, which makes them available across many systems.
Our Google eBooks can be purchased directly from the the Google Play Books store and read on-line, in the Google Books App for Android on over 2 billion devices, and for Apple IOS devices on another billion devices. They are created in the industry standard ePUB format and can also be read on PCs & MACs using the free Adobe Digital Editions app, which supports the Digital Rights Management system used by Google.
A word about page counts
Page counts in "re-flowable" eBooks can be interesting to figure out. We've noted the page count for each book based on the descriptions in the kobo ebooks store. You'll notice that these page counts are significantly larger that those for the equivalent paperback book. This likely is due the the assumed "typical" number of words per page in the kobo calculation. In our print books, in order to minimize the size of the book as well as printing and shipping costs, we use small margins and fairly dense typography, in marked contrast to some other publishers. We think this also provides readers with more value in a smaller package, for truly epic and immersive reads!